Duties and election

JETAA-I, like all chapters, are run by enthusiastic and dedicated volunteers.
The duties of each position is outlined in this section.
The Chair is responsible for:
Leading all meetings of the Executive Committee;
Directing the overall activities of JETAAI;
Acting as the official spokesperson and primary liaison for JETAAI with stakeholders and other organizations;
Supporting chapter development in new or struggling chapters;
Cultivating relationships among chapters;
Facilitating positive, timely and effective communication in the alumni community, both among chapters and with the Executive Committee.
Selection of Committee members
The Core Committee
The Executive Officer roles of Chair and Vice Chair are open to elections and applications by past JETs, with the added criteria that candidates for the Chair must have held a prior or current position as Country Representative or Chapter Representative.
The Executive Officers have a term limit of 3 years, elected annually, Advisors on the Board may keep their seats up to 10 years, and the Webmaster serves on an ongoing basis.
Some brief facts about the Executive Officer elections:
Interested candidates are to submit a platform to an Election Officer (a neutral party) who will then disseminate them to the Executive Committee (Country Representatives);
The Executive Committee votes on the candidate of their choice and submits it to the Election Officer in a secret ballot;
Voting is done by secret ballot and announced by the Election Officer.​
The Webmaster is selected by the Executive Officers. Board members are chosen by the Chair in consultation with the Vice Chair, Executive Committee, and other Board of Advisor members, and are generally encouraged to serve at least 2 years.
Both Webmaster and Board members do not have voting rights.
Full details of the process of application and election to the roles are detailed in the JETAA-I bylaws.