JETAA-I projects

JETAA-I works on special projects that benefit and support the alumni.
At the 2016 JETAA International Meetings, delegates decided to form working groups to identify and deal with common issues. This page lists currents projects.
KenJETkai is a resource for current and ex-JETs, comprised of groups for each prefecture in Japan. Each group is a community of people who have experienced life and work in that particular place, so they can understand your stories, answer your questions, and share your bonds to the prefecture, the town, the school, or even the neighborhood joint where you hung out.
These groups can serve different needs, depending on who you are. As a JET, you can find out more about your upcoming placement. As an alum, you can use it to find lost connections, build networks and business contacts.
Join a community
On Facebook, you can "Like" and "Follow" the page to receive tips and ideas about how you can foster this exchange.
Next, find your prefecture by looking through the list under Groups.
You can also check out the KenJETkai Starter Guide (the top post in the Discussion Group) to find a group or get tips on how to create one for your prefecture. Invite your contacts - alumni, current JETs, or people from your kencho or community - to join you.
Post-JET Opportunities
The PJO working group works to address the issue of post-JET support. It has two tracks: career development and post-graduate study opportunities.
The post-graduate study track has produced the Post-JET Opportunity Pursuit Packet for chapters that wish to explore the development of opportunities and partnerships in their area.
Everyone is welcomed to send suggestions or leads for inclusion in future updates, or join the Working Group.
PJO Pursuit Packet
The PJO Pursuit Packet provides suggested guidelines and a template for chapters to start reaching out to tertiary education institutions (or "grad schools" in an American context) for possible cross-promotional and partnership opportunities.